Visiting Falcon Baptist Church

The church building on the east side of the parking lot is our main worship center. Come to this building and we'll be there to greet you. We’ll introduce ourselves and direct you to our worship service.
FAQ: Does it matter what I wear?
The people of FBC dress in a variety of ways. You’ll see people in jeans and others in dresses. Dress however you feel comfortable.
FAQ: Do you have programs for my children?
During the worship service, we offer a nursery for babies and toddlers. There is also a children’s program that meets during the teaching segment of the service. Children will be dismissed after the worship time. Feel free to follow your children and meet the teachers, if you desire. Some parents prefer to keep their children in the service and that is just fine too. Please do whatever works best for your family.
Note that our nursery and children’s workers are carefully selected and our buildings are secure with a trained security guard. It is our way to promote safety and a good experience for your children.
FAQ: What will the service be like?

Our service usually includes a time of musical worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship. We enjoy Christian songs, choruses, and hymns from a variety of styles and eras. Our worship team is very purposeful about keeping the focus on God and on praising Him through meaningful worship.
Pastor DeVille teaches expositionally through books of the Bible. He preaches verse-by-verse and is great at explaining how to practically apply God’s Word to our everyday lives.
FAQ: When is Sunday School?
Sunday School meets at 10:30, just after our worship service. We have classes for children of all ages and several classes for adults. Please contact one of the greeters and they will direct you to the classrooms.
FAQ: What if I have questions?
Please ask. You’ll find the people of FBC really friendly and they will be happy to answer any questions you have.
When you arrive at the church (or during the worship service), you'll receive a welcome packet. Inside that document, there is a form you can fill out with your name, address, and phone number. Please fill out this form so we can pray for you. Our pastor would also like to contact you and thank you for attending Falcon Baptist Church.
If you have questions about our church prior to visiting, please contact us here. We look forward to meeting you on Sunday!