Bible Conference - February 28-March 2, 2025
We will be hosting our annual Bible Conference on February 28th, March 1st, and March 2nd this year. Steve Peacock will be teaching about "Windows Into Suffering"
from Acts 5. Steve and his wife, Monique, are from New Zealand. They have two sons: Josh and Tyler. Steve's 12 year career in mechanical engineering came to an
abrupt end after a missionary trip to India, where he was exposed to the need for missionary engineering to alleviate suffering and provide a path for the gospel.
Steve and Monique emigrated to the USA in 2000 to pursue a calling in missions. That calling was first implementing Christian radio stations around the world,
and then in the last 10 years a focus more towards reliable water sources for remote villages in Africa, a problem still facing hundreds of millions of people in
2025. That engineering work in villages is a bridge to share the Living Water of John 4:13-14. Steve is currently serving with Design Outreach, and has worked in
Haiti, Ecuador, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mali, Uganda, and Central African Republic.
The conference schedule is:
- Friday, February 28
- 6:00 pm - "When to Repent" (Acts 5:1-11) (We'll start with a pizza dinner, so you can come straight from work.)
- Saturday, March 1
- 6:00 pm - "When to Reach Out" (Acts 5:12-16) (We'll start with a pot-luck dinner.)
- Sunday, March 2
- 9:00 am - "When to Rejoice" (Acts 5:17-33)
- 10:30 am - Question and Answer with Steve Peacock
- 6:00 pm - "When to Rejoice" (Acts 5:34-41) (We'll have an Ice Cream Social afterward. Bring a pie.)
There will be a program for the children.
For a copy of the tri-fold flyer, click here.
To watch the videos of the conference session, click here.
If you have questions about Falcon Baptist Church, please contact the church office.