Auditorium Expansion Concept
This is an example of how the Lord has blessed Falcon Baptist Church recently. When one of our senior adults passed away, she left us sufficient money for us to expand our auditorium without having to borrow money. People have noted over the past several years that the auditorium is very full (some say over-full) on occasion. Here is a conceptual drawing of how we can expand our building with the current footprint outlined in green. This would allow us to move our nursery, our adult Sunday School classes, and possibly our pastor's office into the auditorium. This is just a concept, and it may be slightly different from what we could eventually do.
There was a special called business meeting on May 19th to vote on whether to endorse the plan to go forward, hire an architect to draw up a building plan, and to
proceed with construction. The congregation overwhelmingly approved the concept of continuing in the expansion of the main auditorium into the parking lots on two
sides of the building. Specifics have not been decided on and were not voted on.